
Pre-2021 Parent/Guardian Questionnaire - Electronic

This in-depth questionnaire for families is used to collect information about a child's home environment, family history, and personal health. This questionnaire allows examiners using the GDO-R to take the important information that only families can offer into consideration in the assessment process. Additionally, schools can use the PQ as a parent engagement tool, separate from the GDO-R. Using information from the PQ, parents and educators can work together to understand appropriate expectations to meet the individual needs of each child.

The downloadable form has unlimited uses. After checkout, the link to download will be immediately emailed to you.

Please Note: This is the electronic version of the product. Gesell no longer sells print copies of the pre-2021 Parent Questionnaire. Examiners trained prior to 2021 and using older protocols must utilize the pre-2021 materials and are encouraged to get trained in new protocols as soon as possible.