Gesell offers webinars (online learning programs) hosted by Gesell staff as well as knowledgeable guest lecturers. Pre-recorded webinars are available on a year-round basis while live webinars will be announced on our Upcoming Events page.
Pre-Recorded Webinars
Pre-recorded webinars are available for purchase and private viewing at your convenience. Meet the varied needs of your teachers or address time-zone differences with pre-recorded webinars participants can view on their own schedule.
Pre-Recorded Webinar with Virtual Q&A
Offer a pre-recorded webinar for educators or parents to view on their own schedule then gather, virtually, for a private Q&A. Or invite participants to gather to view a pre-recorded webinar together and then engage in real time for a private virtual Q&A with our experts.
Public Live Webinars
Public live webinars are scheduled throughout the year and are an opportunity to connect with others and ask questions of experts in real time.
Live Seminars too!
In addition to webinars, Gesell lecturers are available to provide seminars tailored to your specific school needs (virtual or in-person). View sample topics and more information on how to schedule a live seminar here.