Gesell Assessment System Examiner Levels
Below we outline the journey of a GDO-R Examiner, from the foundational trained examiner to the National Lecture Staff designation. At each level, a different set of skills is expected opening up a new set of opportunities for using and teaching others to use the GDO-R.
GDO-R Examiner Level 1 Examiners have trained in basic administration and analysis of results of the GDO-R assessment, but Gesell has not assessed their aptitude and strongly recommends that they complete Level 2 before being hired to assess children. ● Administer and score at least twenty 2 1/2 - 6-year-old GDO-R assessments ● Up to date with renewal requirements ● Satisfactory completion of the GDO-R 2 1/2 -6 Examiner criteria ● Satisfactory completion of a GDO 6-9 Administration and Results training ● At least twenty 6-9-year-old assessments have been completed ● Up to date with renewal requirements
● Satisfactory completion of The Gesell Developmental Observation-Revised Fundamentals: 2½-6-Year-Old Child Workshop
6-9-Year-Old Examiner (optional)
Experienced GDO-R Examiner Acceptance by Gesell. Apply by submitting a Candidate Application Form and upon approval, Gesell will identify you as a Level 2 Examiner.
Level 2 Examiners are approved by Gesell to administer the GDO-R assessment through outside entities, but not through Gesell directly.
● Satisfactory completion of all GDO-R Examiner Level 1 criteria
● Satisfactory completion of the following webinars:
● Beyond Admissions and Placement: How to use the GDO-R for Curriculum Planning and Individualized Instruction
● Gesell Early Screener (GES) Administration and Scoring Webinar
Qualified GDO-R Examiner
Qualified GDO-R Examiners are approved to offer official GDO-R assessments, through the Gesell Program in Early Childhood directly.
Prerequisites for application: (does not confirm Qualified Examiner status)
● Satisfactory completion of all GDO-R Experienced Examiner Level 2 criteria
To apply, please begin by submitting a Candidate Application Form. Ultimately, to be considered for acceptance all applicants will need to complete the following beyond the above prerequisites:
● Interview with Gesell Executive Director
● 2 approved completed 2.5 - 6 Year Old CRF's
● Video of candidate satisfactorily administering the 2.5 - 6 Year Old GDO-R
Level 3 status may be conferred at the discretion of the Gesell Executive Director. Level 3 Examiner's must demonstrate an exceptionally high level of understanding of the GDO-R. Apply by submitting a Candidate Application Form and upon approval, Gesell will identify you as a Level 3 Examiner.
National Lecture Staff Completion of Level 4 requirements does not ensure admission to the NLS. Acceptance into GDO-R Examiner Level 4: NLS requires not only satisfactory completion of the following steps but also acceptance by the Gesell Executive Director. ● Submit a video of candidate satisfactorily teaching someone, as in a workshop format, how to administer any one of the following tasks (live review can be scheduled at candidate's request and expense): ● Annually submit a new signed Policies and Procedures Handbook and letter of agreement.
National Lecture Staff Qualified Examiners are the only examiners approved to offer official Gesell Program in Early Childhood Assessment System workshops, and only through the Gesell Program in Early Childhood directly. NLS are not sanctioned to offer GDO-R trainings or other Gesell content independently.
Prerequisites for application:
● Prior acceptance as a GDO-R Qualified Examiner Level 3 in the last 5 years
To apply, please begin by submitting a Candidate Application Form. Ultimately, to be considered for acceptance all applicants will need to complete the following:
● Cubes
● Copy Forms
● Incomplete Person
Mastery of content, teaching skills and the dynamic nature of the presentation will all be assessed. NLS must be well versed in current adult learning principles and use best practice in their video submission. If approved, candidate will be invited to initiate the next step.
● Satisfactory completion of a co-presentation of a GDO-R Workshop in partnership with an assigned NLS mentor. Again mastery of content, teaching skills and the dynamic nature of the presentation will be assessed. Additionally candidate must demonstrate proficiency in technology and online learning platforms necessary to lead a GDO-R workshop. No support can be needed.
If invited following co-presentation, an interview with Gesell Executive Director may follow. Upon completion, NLS Level 4 status may be conferred at the discretion of the Gesell Executive Director. Level 4 Examiner's must demonstrate mastery of the GDO-R as well as an exceptionally high level of presentation skills and knowledge of adult learning principles and practice.
Once accepted as NLS Level 4, in order to maintain NLS status, examiners must:
● Annually, lead one or more GDO-R workshop. All facilitated workshops must be completed at a satisfactory level of competence.
● Demonstrate a high level of understanding of GDO-R theory and practice, and the evolving science of child development.
● Receive consistently high evaluations from training participants.
● Reflect on feedback and incorporate suggested improvements into their own training protocol, as requested by Gesell leadership.
● Annually, participate in one GDO-R training led by a fellow NLS and offer feedback.
See here a full description of the NLS role and qualifications.
*Criteria may be amended and/or waived for veteran assessors or for other circumstances at the discretion and approval of Director of The Gesell Program in Early Childhood.