Gesell Developmental Observation-Revised Webinars

GDO-R 2.5 - 6 Re-Certification Webinar:
Individuals previously completing a Gesell Program GDO-R training are required to participate in a re-certification course within 5 years of their last course, in order to enhance their observation and interpretation skills and expand their understanding of child growth and development with our newly updated and revised materials.

A reduced fee is available for those with a valid GDO-R workshop certificate issued within five years of the current workshop date. Additionally, an online re-certification course is an option, when available, every other re-certification period (once every 10 years).

The fee for an online re-certification refresher course is $249.

GDO-R 6 - 9 Certification Webinar:
In this 6 hour online webinar training, participants learn to administer the Gesell Developmental Observation (GDO-R) to the 6- to 9-year-old child and interpret results as they relate to fine motor, language, cognitive, visual discrimination, right and left orientation, and indicators of possible learning exceptions.

Prerequisites: The 3-Day GDO-R 2 ½ to 6-Year-Old Workshop is required for enrollment in this workshop.

The fee for this course is $249.


GDO-R Results Webinar:
This webinar is designed to offer individualized instruction and review for those who have been trained to use the GDO-R and desire additional help with determining results of the assessment. This webinar is limited to 10 participants, and requires the following:

  • Participants must have been trained within the last 5 Years
  • Participants must purchase (as a package or previously) the new Results Supplement booklet and Recorded Webinar
  • Participants must send questions and examples of  1 Child Recording Form in advance

The fee for this course $100.


GDO-R Mentoring Program:
This program is designed for those who have completed the 3 day GDO-R training within the last 5 years, and would like personalized training and mentorship to further develop their skills as an assessor.

The 3 month Program includes:

1) Email access to advice from our Director of Education (for the duration of the 3 month program)
2) Access to our Re-certification Training Course (6 hours) Video
3) Access to a recorded GDO-R Administration video
4) An invitation to send us one sample scored assessment for feedback
5) A live review and Q&A webinar with our Director of Education during the final month of the program

The fee for this course is $200